Creative consultancy on UX and tone of voice for Naytal, the home of healthcare for women.

Consultation on creative and UX to deliver a website that appeals to women, is simple to use and strikes the balance between sales, service and emotional support.


In detail

I loved the concept and wished Naytal’s services had been available to me when I was on my pregnancy and post-partum journey. I was keen to keep the human experience and empathetic tone that was at the core of Naytal’s identity throughout the site, whilst also conveying the deep expertise and scientific rigor that the brand would need to convey, to convert users from browsers to customers.

I approached both the tone of voice and digital UX from this perspective, consulting on page architecture and creative content, thinking about the user mindset at each step of their personal journey.

I used a combination of SEO and social conversation audits to understand what women were searching for when it came to their health. I also audited how they spoke about their questions, concerns and frustrations. I saw a trend in women saying they felt they had no idea where to turn when they hit a complication in their pregnancy or after their baby had arrived. Women were turning to the internet for answers but concerned they couldn’t trust the advice or complaining that they were being given stock answers rather than personalised attention when they went to their GP.

Availability, attention, empathy and experience were the core missing ingredients for pregnant women and new mothers. I used this to shape the tone of voice, key content features and hierarchy of messaging for the site. The result was a design and content strategy that would take users from awareness through to consideration and trial.


YouTube | Made For You Campaign


Girl Effect for Nike | Global Lead, Concept, Content Strategy, Design and Delivery